Roxbury's Recycling/Trash Initiative

  • The Roxbury Township Public Schools teamed up with Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority for our trash and recycling removal. As part of this contract and with our eye on sustainability, the Roxbury Schools wanted to provide information on items that are recyclable and which are trash.

    Roxbury's recycling collection is "dual" stream. This means that paper/cardboard is kept separate from the bottles/cans. Two bins are needed to collect our recyclables at home and at school!

    Beginning in the 2017/2018 school year, the district renewed its focus on recycling and has been working diligently with each of the school's green teams and the custodial staff to make sure proper bins are in place and signage present.

    With the MUA, we will continue to work even harder to recycle properly. Students and staff see increased signage in their schools, classrooms, and cafeterias along with specifically marked trash and recycling bins in their classrooms. Classrooms have paper recycling bins to collect just that along with cardboard. Recyclable bottles and cans will be recycled in designated locations around the school like the gymnasiums and cafeteria. 

    We ask our families and community to help teach our children the proper ways to recycle to keep our school and community green!

    Need help with your recycling needs? Try some of these apps that you can download on your smartphone.

    Check back periodically for more tips, suggestions, and changes as Roxbury goes green!

Community Clean Up

  • EMS Builders Club: HSL Clean Up (May 2024)

    EMS Kids Clean Up Trash at HSL EMS Kids Clean Up Trash at HSL EMS Kids Clean Up Trash at HSL EMS Kids Clean Up Trash at HSL

    The EMS Builders Club collaborated with the Morris County MUA and Morris County Clean Communities. As part of the statewide initiative “Keep Morris County Litter Free”, sponsored by the NJ Clean Communities Council, the club conducted a litter cleanup event at Horseshoe Lake, across the street from the school. Students and volunteers diligently collected litter and left kindness rocks adorned with uplifting messages for the community to discover. These activities not only foster environmental stewardship but also promote community cohesion and student leadership, making a tangible impact on both the local ecosystem and the school community's ethos of sustainability and service. 

    Not only did the EMS Builders Club conduct a litter cleanup, but created posters in conjunction with Roxbury Recreation to help promote and enforce anti-litter regulations by changing the attitudes of litterbugs through education.