Roxbury High School

Preparing the children of today for tomorrow...


         Main Office: 973-584-1200       Nurse: 973-584-2826

    Attendance: 973-927-4886

    Attendance Email:


    Hours: 7:25 A.M. - 2:07 P.M. 

    Two- Hour Delay Start Time: 9:25 A.M. 

    Early Dismissal Time: 12:18 P.M.

    Student Sign out Cut off Time: 1:50 P.M. 

    (Student sign out cut off time may change due to special events - Bell Schedules will be posted below)




School Updates

  • Good morning, Today is Friday, March 7, 2025

    Today is a B Day



    Roxbury Outreach is hosting a Donate for Donuts fundraiser! Starting February 18, donate your gently used shoes in the lobby for a chance to win donuts and coffee for your homeroom and Gael cup points for your class! Look for flyers for more details! Clean out your closet and make a global impact!


    Rox-THON and our spirit week are next week! Our themes are as follows:
    Fri (03/07): Rox-THON 2025 Shirt Day 


    We will continue to sell shirts in L208, the media center, and online until they run out. They're $15 each, with youth sizes now $10.


    If you're participating in Rox-THON, don't forget to fundraise at least $50 by Friday, and have a parent/guardian complete the Genesis Permission Slip. Shirts are still on sale in L208, media center, and on Join us in the cafeteria on Wednesday or Thursday to play ddakji for a chance to get a first round bye in our version of squid games to win a $100 gift card to the location of your choice



    Local scholarships are now available. Please check your google classroom for more information. The QR code can be scanned in the Guidance Office and applications can also be found under the school counseling services page. 

    Deadline to apply is March 21st!


    Have you heard of the pink tax? Do you know how much period products cost? ERA will be meeting next Tuesday, March 11th in M213 to prepare for their Project Self Sufficiency fundraiser to address these concerns. Come to make a CHANGE!


    The National Honor Society is hosting a book drive- do you have any gently used books that you would like to get out of your house?  If you need to do a bit of Spring cleaning, please bring your gently used books to M214, P248 OR the main office from March 12th through March 25th.  For more info see the flyers around school. Gael Cup points will be awarded!!!


    There is a Peer to Peer Art Interest Meeting on Tuesday March 11th during 7B or 7C.  Stop by E141 to learn about our Peer to Peer Art Course and get an application.  All are welcome - no prior art classes are necessary, just an interest in connection with your peers.  Ask Mrs. Speronza for more information.


    The Roxbury HS team, Roxbotix, will open its first competition at

    Mount Olive HS this weekend.

    Admission is Free

    Come on out and support the team.

    Saturday Times: 11:00am - 5:00pm

    Sunday Times: 9:00am - 5:00pm




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  • Important Information:

    SENIOR OPEN LUNCH FORMS FOR 2025-2026 will be posted later before summer break. We will not be accepting forms until the first day of school next year. 


    Senior Privileges/Open Lunch: 

    Grade checks will be conducted on the following dates:

     March 13, March 31, and May 2.  If a students grade is below a 75%, they will be removed from these privileges until the next grade check. 


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  • RHS Security Protocols

    Student sign-outs must be conducted by 1:50pm. Bring a valid driver's license and/or passport with you. Students will not be released without valid identification. 


    Students in Grade 12 only, can be released on their own with parent's written permission using the Genesis Parent Portal or by emailing the attendance office: 


    Visitors: must bring a valid drivers license or passport to the visitors entrance. You will then be checked in and given a visitors badge that is required to be displayed at all times while in the building. Upon exiting the building, you must return your badge to the security guard to be signed out.


    RHS is not liable for any lost or stolen items dropped off at security. We are unable to interrupt class instruction to call students down to retrieve items left. They must come in between class time.


    Please CLICK HERE to read the important changes to the security procedures at RHS.  These changes affect students and all visitors.

    Please see the attached map for important changes to drop-off procedures in the school parking lot.

    Drop off Map


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